Our people


Every day next to you

Our people
«I started working in the group of BioAgros in the position of Junior Marketing Manager, as soon as I finished my studies in Business Administration, at the early age of 22. It is very important for me that the administration of the company trusted me from the first moment, they guided and gave me a valuable career opportunity.»
bioagros personnel

Elli Symeonidou

Commercial Manager
«After finishing my studies at the Department of Economics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, I started working at BioAgros as an Export Manager Assistant. In the few years that passed, I took over a responsible position, completed my studies and started a postgraduate course. The BioAgros company, an avid supporter of the individual growth of its people, stood by my side, broadened my horizons and prepared the ground for me to take initiatives and develop my skills. This confidence provided has been fruitful with growth in the exports that I manage in high, double digits every year.»
bioagros personnel

Thanos Athanasiadis

Export & New Business Manager
"I started working in the BioAgros group as warehouse staff about one and a half year ago. In the context of HR developing and especially of young people, the company gave me a career opportunity by moving me to the Purchasing department where I have been working as a Junior Buyer for the last year. In BioAgros young people evolve quickly, take initiatives and work in an excellent work environment with management guidance and significant development prospects."
bioagros personnel

Babis Tsesmetzidis

New Product Developer - Buyer
«I have been working for BioAgros for twenty years as an Accounting Manager. Every day we do our best and I take pride in what we achieve. BioAgros for me is my second family.»
bioagros personnel

Anna Konstantinidou

Accounting Manager
«I have been working for BioAgros for almost twenty years in the position of the sales manager. The friendly working environment and the culture of BioAgros, favors taking initiative, gives you the opportunity to take responsibility and achieve your goals. With our core value the team spirit, we work together for a common goal in an environment of security and safety. This environment has led me to a successful multi-year partnership.»
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Alexis Symeonidis

Sales Manager
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Vasso Karasaridou

Βuyer & Product Manager
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OIga Karvounidou

Digital Specialist & Brand Manager
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Katerina Malogianni

Customer Service
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Alexandra Dragati

Sales Manager
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Konstantina Aggelou

Financial Manager
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Dimitris Tsikos

Distribution Manager
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Vagia Petrou

Quality Assurance Manager
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Giannis Eleutheriadis

Logistics Manager