Bioagros farms

Bioagros farms
Fresh from the field, fresh on your table in just a few hours!
BIOAGROS farms are located in Pella, the "green heart" of Greece. It is an area with a unique microclimate and rich subsoil in organic matter, due to the former and now dried up Giannitsa Lake. Every year, analyses carried out on the soils we cultivate, both at the physicochemical and microbiological level, show that there is a rich substrate of trace elements and microbial flora, giving us the comparative advantage in the cultivation of quality organic fruit and vegetables.
At BIOAGROS farms we respect and protect nature, taking advantage of the mechanisms that nature itself uses for our benefit. Thus, enhancing the substrate of our soils by using beneficial microorganisms, we create robust plants, rich in vegetation and flowering, and with reduced susceptibility.
Like any other organism on the planet, a plant does not function independently. In its root system and its leaf surface, specialised bacteria and fungi coexist, creating a wondrous ecosystem based on the exchange of products. The mycorrhizal fungi and PGPRs that we use act as a shield against other pathogenic microorganisms. They also enrich the plant with trace elements and minerals, which would otherwise be difficult to exploit. The healthy plant will pass on the health benefits to the people who will consume its fruits.
By choosing our organic farm, you will be sure to choose for your customers, delicious fruits, with great nutritional value and long life, strong colours and aromas taken from the village vegetable garden.

A vital and tasty source of vitamins and minerals, necessary for our body. Greece is one of the countries with the largest citrus fruit cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. ORANGES - MANDARINS - GRAPEFRUIT - LEMONS
Citrus fruits
The golden fruits of the Mediterranean!
November - May

Kiwifruit has high nutritional value and not without reason is called the "vitamin bomb". Its fruit is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fibres and minerals. It contains more vitamin C than any other fruit, as well as vitamin B and carotenoids.
The fruit of love!
November - June

Peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots and cherries are exclusively summer fruits and can be enjoyed in season when they are fresh, juicy and full of flavour with a high nutritional value. They contain significant amounts of vitamins C and E many antioxidants, phosphorus, biotin, iron and calcium. They come in many varieties throughout the summer.
Stone fruit
The fruit of purity and immortality!
June - September

Especially nutritious fruit in a number of varieties and flavours. Grapes are rich in ingredients with high nutritional value and contribute significantly to our diet with valuable vitamins A, B, C and potassium while also rich in antioxidants.
The fruit of youth!
August - October

Persimmons are an excellent source of fibre and contain B-complex vitamins that stabilise the metabolic system, along with copper and phosphorus. Persimmons have been cultivated in Greece since antiquity.
The fruit of power!
September - October

Emblem of deities, a symbol of longevity and fertility, Persians call it the fruit of Paradise. The pomegranate has been associated with life, wealth, fertility, good fortune. With indisputable deliciousness and nutritional value, pomegranates contain a significant amount of vitamins, polyphenols and nutrients. Pomegranates can be consumed as a fruit or as juice. The high concentration of antioxidants boost health and provide anti-inflammatory action.
The fruit of Paradise!
October - January

The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is one of the oldest cultivated vegetables. Along with the tomato, it is a basic ingredient in most salads that form the basis of the “Mediterranean diet”. It contains significant amounts of vitamins B and E as well as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and zinc.
The Mediterranean!
November - June

Tomatoes consist almost exclusively of water and biological substances. They have very few calories, which makes them an excellent food for slimming. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements that help regulate blood sugar, constipation and cholesterol. Tomatoes contain the precious lycopene, one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature.
The antioxidant!
All year round

In spring, BioAgros offers you moments of gourmet delight with the freshest of organic asparagus! Tasty and high in nutritional value, asparagus are Europeans' favourite vegetables in their white, green or purple versions. They can be eaten as a salad, in soup or as a gourmet side dish. They have a rich antioxidant action and rank high on the list of the most antioxidant fruits and vegetables. They are vegetables rich in fibre, which contribute to the reduction of cholesterol and help in diet. Like most vegetables, they act as a natural diuretic that helps our body remove toxins and get rid of excess sodium. Add this super vegetable to your daily spring diet and taste what it has to offer you!
The gourmet delight!
March - June

Onions are a good source of vitamins, minerals and plant fibres and are known to offer a variety of health benefits. They can be consumed raw in salads, cooked, pickled or in powder form. There are many varieties of onions to choose from, such as yellow, red, white etc.
The taste and smell of the Mediterranean!
All year round

The Florina pepper is the variety of red pepper, which is grown in Macedonia. The fruit itself is 15-20 cm long and 4-5 cm wide. It has a thick, fleshy skin with a sweet taste, suitable for salads, freezing or canning. It is rich in vitamins C, A, K and E.
Red peppers (Florina)
The red lady!
February - November

Potatoes are rich in starch and are of great nutritional value. The potato is widespread in Greece and forms part of the population's staple diet. Its great popularity is due to the fact that it can be consumed in a variety of ways, such as boiled, baked, fried, in soup, mashed, etc., so it is often considered an easy food. The advantage of the potato compared to other vegetables is that it combines the characteristics of starchy foods with those of other vegetables.
The easy, fast and delicious choice!
All year round

Carrots contain fibres, vitamin K, potassium, folic acid, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc. We can consume them raw, steamed, boiled, grilled, but also as ingredients in soups, in juice or smoothies. To get as many nutrients as possible, consume them raw or steamed.
The orange treasure!
All year round

The fig, a fruit typical of the Mediterranean, is a trademark of August and accompanies us even on holiday. With undeniable nutritional value and therapeutic benefits, figs are a major source of calcium, vitamin K, C, manganese, magnesium, which all go to shield our immune system.
The favourite summer fruit!
July - October

This small tomato gets its name from its shape, like an acorn.. It is considered to be the most palatable representative of all tomato varieties that we currently grow. It is rich in antioxidants and is consumed in salads or as a snack.
Acorn tomatoes
The bright deep-red ornament!
All year round

Pears are a fruit of an extremely nutritional and important dietary value, as they contain vitamin C, calcium, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus and potassium. They are eaten fresh, are made into preserves and jams and can be used in confectionery.
‘A pear a day’!
All year round