The ORGANIKO LIFE + project Open Day for the children who participated in the study "Organic nutrition and health of children" and the award ceremony of participation certificates took place on Saturday, April 28 at the premises of the Cyprus University of Technology. In the event organized by the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health of CUT, the general results of the study were presented to parents and children who took part in the research from six primary schools in Limassol. The Commissioner for the Environment, Mrs. Ioanna Panagiotou, awarded the participation certificates to each child separately.
Before starting the organic diet, it was found that most of the children who took part in the program had detectable levels of pesticides in their urine. After following the organic diet, the levels of pesticides in the children’s body significantly decreased. The answers to the questionnaires regarding the eating habits and lifestyle of the children before the organic diet, showed habits of low daily consume in fruit and vegetables. It has also been found that the children spend less time to exercise and much more time on TV, tablets and cell phones.
The CUT research team thanks the 149 children and their families who took part in the study, acknowledging the effort and persistence of following an exclusively organic diet for 40 days. Special thanks are also offered to the principals and teaching staff of the schools, as well as to the Ministry of Education for granting permission for the conduct of this study. Furthermore, this study could not be carried out without the financial support of the study sponsors, i.e. the European LIFE + program and the organic companies.
This study, with such a large sample and duration of consuming organic meals, was being conducted worldwide for the first time. The results were be presented in an open event in Nicosia, inviting all the competent authorities and organizations. At the end of the month, the results of the study were be presented to the European Parliament in Brussels in the presence of several MEPs and European bodies.